Member Resources

Member Resources

How to Get the Most Out of Your MPWN Membership

MPWN would like to have short write ups on all members on our website “Learn More” pages. The suggestion is that on the Members page there would be a link to a Landing Page for each member to provide more information about their companies and themselves.

Please write up a short description or if you would like please answer the following five questions AS WELL AS any and all URLs of websites, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter etc.

  1. In one or two sentences, please describe your business (like an elevator speech, and certainly include “benefits” for customers.
  2. Why are you doing what you are doing?
  3. Give a brief narration of your experience that sets you up to be the Go-To Person for this product or service.
  4. What are the 2-3 things that you like most about your business?
  5. Do you have future plans . . . or is there another question you would like to answer?

Please e-mail responses to Susan Searway-Fertig  [email protected]

One-on-Ones Remember MPWN.BIZ

M – Motivation / Biz Goals

P – Proficiency, (e.g., public speaking, organizing, writing)

W – Wanted Referrals (e.g., good clients)

N – Networks (where else do you network, C of C, alumni group?)

B – Background /Accomplishments (school, work experience, publications…)

I – Interests (biz and more, e.g., reading, meditation, tri-athlete, programming))

Z – siZZle (If you never had to worry about time, $$, or ??, what might you be doing?)

2019 MPWN President Katie Chase
2019 MPWN President Katie Chase
MPWN Member Kay Karchevski, Multi-Pure Water Systems
MPWN Member Kay Karchevski, Multi-Pure Water Systems